Infrared photography – 2nd attempt

As the weather was nice with clear blue skys and just a few clouds I decided to give infrared photography another go. I have a Nikon D70 which is particularly sensitive to IR light, and a hoya R72 filter which blocks out most visible light. I white balanced on some brightly lit grass, then set…

Crochet doilys

I used to crochet a lot in the past so when I saw this video the first thing I thought of was plant cellular structures, then it reminded me of the open work found in crochet doilys. I decided to make a few which will eventually be joined to form this wonderful lampshade Most…


A dark homage to the multi format transfer department at ITN affectionately refered to as Mufty, where carefully locked away deep in the vaults, obsolete kit such as the Sondor, RTI 6120, Cintel Y-front and Bosch Fernseh have all found resting places.  

Penshurst Adventure

I took my newly acquired and lovingly restored Raleigh ‘Misty’ Mixte on a mini expedition to the medieval stronghold of Penshurst Place in the Weald of Kent. It’s a 14th century mansion-house built for a former mayor of london and later acquired by the Sidney family in 1552. ‘The original medieval house is one of…

Plant forms 1.0

I have a deep interest in the forms and patterns found in the natural world, with a particular interest in plants. Cow Parsley (Anthriscus sylvestris) Acquiring a large garden in 2006 gave me the motivation to study plants in greater detail. I’ve  learnt much about plant geometry from the blog dataisnature, also the amazing processing code creator…

The Thames Path: Man versus Nature

I’ve always had an interest in the ecosystems and habitats that interface built and natural environments, the places within cities and at their edges where nature finds a foothold largely ignored by people. It was with this in mind that I journeyed by bike along the Thames towards the Thames Barrier, searching for those magical…