Back to life, back to nature..

Hellooo all!! It’s been quite a while since I posted! A short catch up.. I recently completed 3 yrs of retraining in 3D, prior to this I worked as a video editor, producer and VJ in the media industry. I’ve wanted to create new worlds and characters since watching Lord of the Rings 20 years…

End of Summer and New Beginnings :)

Hellooo everyone, it’s been a while yes?? Well I’m back now so you don’t have to worry :) I spent my summer returning to cycling and rediscovering my local area, I realised that it was quite nice! lol I’ve also been continuing my 3D journey, for those of you who dont know I was an…

New Painting – Colorful Bird

I’ve been been out on my bike again after quite some years of not cycling and it’s been great re-discovering parts of my area that I simply did not go to when I wasn’t on a bike. We have some great parks, woods and riverside walks etc in the local area which have been a…

Colorful Fish Painting

Hello everyone!! I hope you are well? I’ve always loved the beauty of forms and colours in nature. This painting represents a return to my first true love.. the natural world. From going on nature trails as a child to creating wildlife gardens as a teen and studying Biology at University my life has always…

Happy Halloween!!

Hello everyone!! I love halloween and see it as a time for celebrating ancestors, I also love how it is so Gothic! I’m a big fan of all things Gothic including architecture, literature… ok i mean trashy YA fantasy novels lol and decorations etc. It was because of this that I decided to create a…

Let’s see if I can revive this blog :)

Yes, after a fairly long hiatus and lots of refocus I feel I’m ready to take up the reins on this blog once again. I’m guessing that blogging is not quite as popular as it used to be but I truly had my happiest times whilst i was posting content here. It started as a…

Duffy, Gia and Clary got their glitter on!!

Modeled and rendered in Blender, this piece features 3 of my virtual avatars in a hyper colour setting with plenty of Glitter!! I enjoyed exploring the use of shaders, textures and lighting in this exercise, which I hope to build upon in future renders

Little Birdy Sing!!

This 3D render was born out of procrastination.. I was supposed to be making a visual effects scene but really wanted to just make something cute! So this birdy was born out of a couple of 3D tutorials where we focused on form, light and texture. I really like how it turned out. But back…